ТОО SKYMAX INTEGRATIONS – системный интегратор решений для гостиниц и ресторанов

SKYMAX INTEGRATIONS - system integrator for hotels and restaurants

SKYMAX INTEGRATIONS - system integrator for hotels and restaurants

Conference systems and simultaneous translation

Bosch conferencing solutions

Conference systems and simultaneous translation

Bosch conferencing solutions

Bosch has many years of experience in developing conference systems using the latest technology. We now offer a wide range of secure and versatile conference systems for a variety of applications – from small local events to large-scale international summits. These systems are the result of intensive collaboration with experienced participants, translators and operators. By collaborating with Bosch engineers and developers, they have helped us improve usability – an important factor in the development of our product range.

Конференц системы и синхронный перевод
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